Journey to Healing

Educational Training


Types of Training

Journey to Healing specializes in various types of training depending on your organization’s needs. Here are among the most effective workshops you can implement for your people to improve their well-being:

Promotion of Resilience and Coping Skills

Techniques for teaching participants resilience-building strategies and coping skills to manage stress, adversity, and emotional challenges, including those relevant to early childhood.

Collaboration with Mental Health Professionals

Understanding the roles and responsibilities of mental health professionals in schools and early childhood settings, and how to collaborate effectively with them to support participants’ mental health needs.

Legal and Ethical Considerations

Knowledge of legal and ethical obligations related to participant confidentiality, privacy rights, mandated reporting, and adherence to professional codes of conduct across all age groups.

Self-Care for Educators and Early Childhood Practitioners

Strategies for maintaining personal well-being and preventing burnout, including stress management techniques, boundary setting, and seeking support when needed, relevant for educators and early childhood practitioners

Prevention and Early Intervention Programs

Implementation of evidence-based prevention and early intervention programs to promote mental health and prevent the onset of mental health disorders in participants of all ages, including those in early childhood.